Today makes one year that Veggies Natural Juice Bar has been open for business. So far so Good!...We would like to sincerely thank everyone who has supported us in any way over this past year. We couldn't have done this without you all! Your endless encouragement and great wishes for us to stay afloat has enabled us to be striving as a family business. Thanks everyone for keeping Veggies alive.
As a way of saying thanks and showing how much we love yall, we have decided to name this day "Show Love Day." That means Discounts for everyone, ranging from $2-10 off anything you would like. The only catch will be, the amount of money you'll save will be based upon your regularity at Veggies Natural Juice Bar. So for those who still haven't been able to stop by, today is there day to receive a discount just for making an appearance on the right day. The Regulars however, will be "taken cared off accordingly"...I hope to see everyone who has ever made a contribution to our success today so we can thank you personally. We thank and appreciate you All!
Have A Blessed Day Today...the weather is beautiful so why not come get a special smoothie or something great to eat from Veggies and save some $$$ while you at it just because its "Show Love Day!"
yes, i like juice now and forever :-)
ReplyDeleteObat Batu Ginjal
Obat Pembuluh Darah Tersumbatl
Obat Kanker Lambung
I love Ice Cream forever Ace Maxs Berkhasiat Pengobatan Alternatif Kanker Obat Vertigo Obat Serangan Jantung Obat Kanker Serviks Tradisional Pengobatan Kista Rahim Penyakit Akut
ReplyDeleteObat Obatan Tradisional Obat Alami Asam Urat Obat Jantung Bengkak Obat Benjolan Di Ketiak Obat Angin Duduk Obat Anemia Aplastik Obat Leher Bengkak Obat Herbal Batuk Berdahak
Thanks for posting this, was a good discussion on the differences between introverts and extroverts. It is hard for introverts to accept they are completely normal.
ReplyDeleteThanks for posting this, was a good discussion on the differences between introverts and extroverts. It is hard for introverts to accept they are completely normal.
ReplyDeleteObat Terapi Pasca Stroke
Obat Penyakit Flek Paru Paru
Obat Batuk Radang Tenggorokan
Obat TBC Rahim
Obat Tumor Jaringan Lunak
Obat Infeksi Pankreas
Obat Penyakit TBC
Obat Ranula
Obat Fibrokistik Payudara
Obat Tradisional Sariawan
Obat Tangan Sering Kesemutan
Obat Tumor Rahim
Obat Darah Putih Tinggi
Obat Wasir Berdarah
Obat Jantung Rematik
Obat Osteosarcoma
Obat Meniere
Obat Penyakit Rematik
Obat Penyakit TBC
Obat Penyakit Hepatitis Akut
Obat Penyakit Wasir
Obat Sakit Kepala
Obat Penyakit Asma
Obat Penyakit Jantung Koroner
Obat Penyakit Leukemia
Obat Penyakit Sinusitis
Obat Sariawan Di Bibir
Obat Infeksi Indung Telur
Cara Mengobati Kista Rahim
Obat Batu Saluran Kemih
Obat Pasca Operasi Batu Ginjal
I'm here and you're there only met via voice, but I always wait as we will see. Even though you're now considerably there, we looked at the same sky, deep in the eyes but close at heart.
ReplyDeleteObat Vertigo Untuk Anak
Obat Alergi Makanan
Suplemen Daya Tahan Tubuh
Obat Sesak Nafas Alami
Obat Penghancur Lemak
Kunjungan sore.. Di tunggu kunjungan baliknya yaa gan ..
ReplyDeleteTerimakasih sudah mengizinkan saya berkomentar disini.. saya hanya sekedar share.. mohon untuk tidak di hapus..
ReplyDeletePengobatan Kanker Serviks
Pengobatan Kelenjar Getah Bening
Ace Maxs
Pengobatan Wasir Berdarah
Obat Darah Tinggi
Ramuan Pelangsing
Obat Kuat
Pengobatan Liver
Pengobatan Radang Paru Paru
Obat Sakit Pinggang
Obat Benjolan Di Leher
Obat Haid Tidak Teratur
Pengobatan Lambung Bocor
Pengobatan Kanker Hati
Thank's for your post ..
ReplyDeletevisit back my blog
Titip link ya gan..
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blog very extraordinarily pleased to be visiting your blog. , , I found your blog on google
ReplyDeleteAsam Urat
Kanker Paru paru Stadium 4
Sakit Kepala Migren
Susah Tidur Insomnia
Kanker Hati Stadium 4
Kanker Usus Stadium 4
Darah Tinggi Yang Ampuh
Ambeien Parah
Kanker Kelenjar Getah Bening
Gagal Ginjal
Kanker Prostat Stadium 4
Kanker Otak Stadium 4
Kanker Payudara
Kanker Darah
I really appreciate your work and very amazing and important information about the Juice Bar which have share in this blog.
ReplyDeleteJuice Bar
I have read many blogs but your blog are always very nice and now here I got some detail about the rder Take Away it's Good work keep it up.
ReplyDeleteOrder Take Away
Interesting blog and I really like your work and must appreciate you work for the Juice Shop it's really good work.
ReplyDeleteFood & Drinks
It was much interesting and informative post you have shared with us,.
ReplyDeleteFood & Drinks